Eva Natalia Resch

Eva Natalia Resch

Coaching Berlin Mitte
Chausseestraße 116
D-10115 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 577 033 24

Having lived in 11 cities, in 7 countries, Eva Resch had the chance to develop a deep understanding of the challenges that modern world citizens face. At Coaching Berlin Mitte, Eva is responsible for English-language leadership coaching and training: See also Leadership Training Berlin »Starting Leadership«

Evas fields of work


Coaching for high potentials and executives in German, English and Spanish.


Development and delivery of customized learning journeys and workshop formats on diverse management- & organizational development topics:

  • Communication and conflict management
  • Leadership
  • Self- and Stressmanagement
  • Presentation and Moderation

Consulting and facilitation

  • 10 years’ experience in management consulting
  • Design, preparation and conduction of customized workshop formats (10-80 people) for specialists and executives within restructuring processes to accompany strategic and organizational change
  • Development and implementation of company-specific competency models, requirement and role profiles
  • Design and conduction of international assessment centers in German, English and Spanish for different management positions and levels


  • Master’s Degree Psychology
  • Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management
  • Business Coach (certified by DBVC)
  • Communicational and behavioural Trainer (certified by Humboldt University Berlin)
  • Hogan Practicioner

At Coaching Berlin Mitte, Eva is responsible for English-language leadership coaching and training: See also Leadership Training Berlin »Starting Leadership«

Gern können wir ein unverbindliches und kostenfreies Erstgespräch vereinbaren.

Führungskräftetraining berlin

Offenes Führungs-Training Berlin

Unser tiefgreifendes Grundlagentraining für alle Erfahrungs-Levels: Führen auf Augenhöhe, Mindful Leadership, von New Work lernen. 2 Tage in Berlin oder online.

Teamcoaching und Facilitation Ausbildung

Systemisch Teams entwickeln, New Work & Ganzheit unterstützen. Intensive Ausbildung (15 Präsenztage inkl. Retreat) oder kompakte Fortbildung (5 Präsenztage).

Kommunikationstraining Berlin

Kommunikations-Training Berlin

Business-Kommunikation mit Elementen der GFK: Achtsam und konfliktsicher. Ein offenes Seminar für alle, die klarer kommunizieren möchten. In Berlin.

Higher Self Leadership Training Berlin

Higher Self Leadership Training

Eine Brücke zwischen spirituellem Erleben und beruflichem Führungs-Alltag bauen. Ganzheitliches Bewusstsein (er-)leben und aus dieser Haltung heraus die eigene Rolle verkörpern.


Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Eva Resch English Coach

Eva Natalia Resch

Coaching Berlin Mitte
Chausseestraße 116
D-10115 Berlin
+49 (0) 30 577 033 24