English Leadership Coaching Berlin

What got you here won’t get you there – why leadership training and coaching are the key to success for first time leaders
When talents become leaders they are faced with a special challenge. The competencies and skills which have successfully brought them to where they are today are not necessarily what make them successful for the future. Especially in this first leadership role, the change of perspective from being an individual contributor or expert to being responsible for enabling others is critical for success. In addition, former trusted colleagues may now be employees and are no longer available as sparring partners. Also, subsequent to their new responsibilities, executives are required to take on challenges that their employees encounter.

Having lived in 11 cities in 7 countries, Eva Resch had the chance to develop a deep understanding of the challenges that modern world citizen face. At Coaching Berlin Mitte, Eva is responsible for English-language leadership coaching and training.
We would be happy to arrange a personal appointment without obligation.
How can this change be successfully mastered?
- Through intensive reflection of your own potential and risk profile: only those who know in which management situations they fall at risk of not being successful with their individual behavioural strategies can develop alternative tactics and remain in control.
- Leading people means that we need to understand how people function. Learning about basic psychological mechanisms of communication, personality development, conflict and conviction broadens the own behavioural range and impact on others
- Leading others successfully means leading yourself first! With as much feedback as possible, leaders need to critically reflect their day-to-day actions.
You don’t have to walk alone
Through regular coaching and training, successful leaders can create a trusted space in which they can actively learn and reflect on themselves in order to be able to react even better to the demands of everyday life. Through newly acquired knowledge about themselves, their teams and employees they can dare to face the challenges they need to tackle to make themselves and their companies successful.
Let’s kickstart your leadership career
Eva N. Resch is a certified psychologist, behaviour and communication trainer and coach. As an expert on topics related to the selection and development of talents and executives, she has been working for 10 years in the consulting and development of individuals and organizations. As an expat and globetrotter, her passion lies in communication, leadership and professional development in an international and intercultural context. Do you have any questions or would you like to get to know us beforehand? Write us below – we would be happy to arrange a personal appointment without obligation.
More about Eva
Some of Evas References

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Eva Natalia Resch
English Leadership Workshop, Teamentwicklung, Führungskräfteentwicklung